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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs; Yalın-Kalamadım

Another Turkish Song to learn Turkish. The topic you can practise here is "could not" in Turkish; which is the following suffix "ama" for first person ;I.

1.)kalamadım=I couldn't stay
    yap+ama+m=I can't do            in  past tense= yap+ama+dım=I couldn't do
    gel+eme+m=I can't come         in past tense= gel+eme+dim=I couldn't come

2.)büyürken=while I grow up
iken=While and attached to verbs as following +ken

3.)yüzleşince=when I confront
ince=when; yap+ınca=when doing; gelince=when coming

İçim sızlıyor doğru 
Ama sana git demekten başka yol mu var 
Onların doğrularıyla büyürken 
İçine hayat çekmek değil kolay 
Sesim çıkmıyor doğru 

Ama bağırsam kime ne faydası var 
Bedelli mutluluklar düzeninde 
Yüreğe güvenmek değil kolay 
Gerçeğin kenarından hayatın düzenine 
Bir yol bulup ben akamadım 
Bugün budur pencere yarın kışla yüzleşince 
Çok üzgünüm kalamadım

Listen to Yalın's other song and practise "wish=keşke" in Turkish.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fatmagul is back! New Season Starts/Episode 40-part-1

Now Kerim is in prison as a suspect of Vural's murder. Fatmagül and her family move in with the lawyer.
Below are the Turkish script for you to practise Turkish. To follow the script and the video you can open 2 frames.

Asu returns Turkey and finds out about Vural...

Asu=Uyandırdm dimi?
Mustafa=Saat 3'ü yirmi geçiyor burada sen çok uzaklardasın galiba.
Asu=Yok döndüm, bugün döndüm, yani dün.
Mustafa=Hoşgeldin o zaman
Asu=Bana Fatmagül'ün telefonu lazım.
Asu=Onunla konuşacaklarım var. Lütfen abisinin falan telefonu varsa verir misin.
Mustafa=İyi de, ne konuşacaksın? Ne oldu?
Asu=Vural'ı kerim öldürmedi  (Kerim didn't kill Vural)
Asu=O suçsuz, o öldürmedi onu.
Mustafa=Nereden biliyorsun?  (Where do you know)
Asu=Çünkü o gece ben de oradaydım.
Mustafa=Neredesin sen?
Asu=Oteldeyim.Lütfen ona ulaşacağım bir numara söyle bana.
Yanına geliyorum bir dakika. Otelin adını söyle.
Asu=Gelmene gerek yok, sen numarayı ver yeter. Otelin adını söyle dedim.
Mustafa=Tamam birazdan orada olacağım. (I will be there in a bit)
Gelince konuşuruz tamam mı. Tamam mı, Asu? Ağlama bak.

Then goes back to "1 gün önce" (1 day earlier)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Learn Keşke (Wish) with Turkish Song-5, Keşke from Yalın

Another Turkish song with lyrics which would help to learn Turkish
"Keşke" means "wish" in English and is often mixed with "if"="eğer" due to having the same suffix; se/sa.

Some examples;
Keşke gelsen= Wish you come
Keşke hava güzel olsa=Wish the weather is good.

But where as if it's attached to the verb after tense suffix that gives "if"  meaning;
Eğer gelirsen=If you come
Eğer hava güzel+se=If the weather is good.

The best way is to practise with Turkish song, so that meaning settles in the mind. Here is a lovely Turkish song from Yalın, what a coincidence the name of the song is  Keşke.


Bırak saygından kuşkum yok
Hatrımdan kalıyorsan hiç kalma bırak
Sensiz olmaya itirazım var
Canımı çok yakacak,izlerin bana yeter

Keşke oyunlar oynamasaydık
Üzülmeseydi şarkılar
Hala sana yazılıyorlar
Hala buram buram sen kokuyorlar

Bırak sevginden şüphem yok
Arkadaş kalıyorsak ben yapamam bırak  (if we stay friends)
Sessiz kalmaya ihtiyacım var
Yanlızlığı senle özledim,uzak dur bana yeter

Keşke oyunlar oynamasaydık
Üzülmeseydi şarkılar
Hala sana yazılıyorlar
Hala buram buram sen kokuyorlar

Keşke oyunlar oynamasaydık
Üzülmeseydi şarkılar
Hala sana yazılıyorlar
Hala buram buram sen kokuyorlar 

Listen to other Turkish songs and practise Turkish.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Learn Turkish with music-4-Nil Karaibrahimgil-Hakkında Her şeyi Duymak İstiyorum

Nil is one of my favorite Turkish singer, she takes you away from real life to wonderland, you feel lighter while listening to her and watching her clips. Her songs are generally helpful for Turkish Learners she has songs called, Kek (Cake), Rüzgar (Wind) etc easy going, easy vocab.
To listen to her other song in this blog "Evlenmek Gerek" please click here.

I include lyrics below, this song uses basic form of the verb without any tense dur=stop, çık=go out , dön=return etc.
Plus you will hear negative form "me/ma"; Bak+ma=don't look; yap+ma=don't do ; gel+me=don't come etc.

Dur dur dur dur dur
Bakma öyle bakma öyle
Çık damarımdan
Yok yok yok yok
Yapma böyle yapma böyle
Gitmem yanından

Çalma öyle gelme böyle
Dön kapım dön kapım
Cık cık cık
Deme öyle ona söyleme
Kork cevabımdan

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Turkish Learners' Tips :Turkish Machines! Türk Makineleri

During your Turkish learning process you will discover many different and interesting things about Turkish Language. I'm listing these interesting facts in this blog as much as I can so that as Turkish learner you can see them all together which makes it easier to remember.

With technology advancing every century there is a new tool or machine that are introduced to our lives. And afterwards it's linguistic professionals job to find names to these new additions such as washing machine, mobile phone, printer etc. In Turkey general trend is to give functional names to these equipments that explains the purpose of them. I include some of them below with the common usage of "makine"="machine"

Fotoğraf makinesi=Camera
Çamaşır makinesi= Washing Machine
Bulaşık makinesi=  Dish washer
Hesap makinesi=  Calculator
Fotokopi makinesi= Photocopier
Traş makinesi= Shaver
Saç kurutma makinesi= Hairdryer
Çim makinesi=  Grass cutter

Additional (s)i suffix comes due to forming "noun compounds". When 2 nouns comes together to form a new meaning -i (ı,u,ü) suffix is used with (s) buffer when there is a vowel clash, like Türk Kahve+si, Güneş krem+i etc.

For recent technological vocabulary Turkish tend to use international English equivalents, even though there are Turkish versions. Therefore in Turkey you would be understood if you use below list in English;

domain name=alan adı
hosting=web alanı
web=web (ağ)
webmaster= web sorumlusu (ağ sorumlusu)


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Turkish Olympiad Commericals 2011-Ukranian Boy

Every year Turkish Olympiads take place in Turkey, where people all around the world come to Turkey and compete to be the best among Turkish speakers with their performances. More about Turkish Olympiads visit the web site.
I'm sharing the commercials of this year, they are really good. I have seen 3 so far, this one is in Ukraine, Ukrainian boy is selling fish in fish market and speaking very cute and fluent Turkish.
Below is the lines he says, these are typical bazaar sales person sentences would be useful.

-Gel, vatandaş, gel, abla sen de gel.
-Derya kuzuları bunlar
-Günlük taze balık. Balkonda ye, komşunla ye. Gel vatandaş gel.

Some Strange Facts About Turkish Language, Useful Tips For Turkish Learners

Like every language Turkish has some tricky, funny and confusing parts for learners, I say for learners as they are very normal for us as natives. As a tutor it's a nice experience for me as well to discover these and I believe would be very useful for Turkish learners.

1.) Usage of "geliyorum" : it means="I'm coming". But you will experience it is used when we are actually "going"! For instance you are sitting in living room with your friend and he stands up to go to kitchen to have a glass of water. When he stands up he would say "geliyorum-I'm coming" even tough going, here the underlining meaning when we use "coming" in the place of "going" is "going for a very short time", it's like I'm almost back ,or popping to kitchen.

2.)Tense difference comparing to English
The following meanings are made in English in past tense whereas in Turkish we use them in present;
(present tense)I understand=Anladım (past tense)
(present tense) Coming=Geldim (past tense)

3.) Similar verbs; Very easy to get confused cause they only have one letter difference;
4.Düş=fall, dream

Friday, June 17, 2011

Learn Turkish-Turkish Phrases

·         Geçmiş olsun! “Get well soon!”
·         Hayırlı Olsun' wishing someone success in whatever they are about to endeavour.
·         Hayırlı Yolculuklar wishing a nice trip.
·         Hayırlı İşler when you enter or leave a place of you are wishing good business or prosperity
·         Kolay Gelsin when someone is about to start a new job/doing a job,/ or any type of work means "Come Easy"(may it be easy for you)
·         Güle Güle Kullan You would say this when someone has bought something new, literally means "Wear It With a Smile" -" Have Enjoyment With It" ..or "I Hope It Brings You Joy"
·         Şerefe! = Cheers!

Fatmagulun sucu ne Episode 38 Fatmagul's Birthday

Happy Birthday to you! song is used as "İyiki doğ"
Happy Birthday wishes are as follows; "Doğum günün kutlu olsun" or "nice yıllara"

Song: İyiki doğdun Fatmagul, İyiki doğdun Fatmagul, iyiki doğdun, iyiki doğdun, iyiki doğdun Fatmagul..
Murat: Doğum günün kutlu olsun halacım.
Fatmagul:Teşekkürler bir tanem.
Rahmi: Mutlu yıllar kardeşim.Hep gülsün yüzün.
FatmagulTeşekkür ederim abicim.
Meryem: Sağlıkla iyi yaşa inşallah.
Lawyer-1: Fatmagulcum her şey gönlünce olsun yavrum.
Lawyer-2:Doğum günün kutlu olsun.
Fatmagul: Teşekkür ederim.
Kerim: İyiki doğmuşsun.
Fatmagul: Teşekkür ederim.
-Kerim abi, herkes hediyesini verdi, senin hediyeni göremedik.
FatmagulO dün erdi hediyesini.
Meryem: Hadi bakalım, kes Fatmagul pastanı.

Fatmagulun sucu ne Episode 38 Trailer

Fatmagul: Sen bütün hayatımı koydun önüme.Unutmak istediğim her şeyi.
Kerim: Fatmagul...
Yeniden bir başlangıç yapalım, her şeyi geride bırakalım.
Fatmagul: Keşke her şey geride kalabilse.
Sen istersen kalır Fatmagul. Sen yardım edersen, sen istersen yaramızı kanırtan o anıyı birlikte unutacağız.
Fatmagul: İstiyorum, istiyorum.
Kerim: Ben seni çok seviyorumç

Fatmagulun sucu ne Episode 37, Kerim and Fatmagul

Fatmagul confess that she trust Kerim..

Fatmagul: Sana iyileşmek istediğimi söylerken demiştim, ben de yeniden birine güvenmek istiyorum diye.
Şimdi daha güvende hissediyorum kendimi.
Kerim: Teşekkür ederim.

Learn Turkish-Homonyms-Words with more than one meaning

While learning Turkish language these homonyms might confuse you at first but then you will see the benefit. I call them "buy one get 2 free". Below I'm including a list of words that which has more than one meanings. Feel free to contribute to the list.

Turkish word    English meanings-1 /  meaning -2  / meaning -3
Yüz=                 100                       / swim            / face
At=                   Throw                  / horse  
Yaz=                 summer               / write
Gül=                  rose                    / smile/laugh      /female name
İç=                    drink                   / inside
Ben=                 I                         / beauty spot

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs-3; Bir günah Gibi (Like a Sin) from Askı Memnu

Ajda Pekkan-Toygar Işıklı Duet from Askı Memnu.

Askı Memnu has finished in Turkey but interest to the characters, music and scenes still continue.
This song is very good love Song by Ajda Pekkan. For the series, Askı memnu a duet has been made with Toygar Işıklı who does most of the soundracks for series in Turkey including Fatmagulun sucu ne, Ezel this year. Below I'm including the lyrics of "Bir günah gibi" song with scenes from askı memnu.
This video is the full song

Bir sayfa kopuyor zamandan
Ayrılırken sen yanımdan
Bu aşkın daha en başından
Korkuyordum ben sonundan

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs-2; Karadeniz Türküsü (Blacksea Folkloric Song)

After your request for more "türkü":) I'm adding another one from a film; Av Mevsimi. Personally I like to listen to turkus with only one instrument or just natural voice. Therefore I'm sharing this one there is no instrument then audience using cutlery to make rhythm! Name of the turku is "Haydee" Come on=Haydi. This is a Black sea region turku (Karadeniz türküsü) written by Kazım Koyuncu, therefore again there are different accents and spellings, don't focus on these too much. Like Fatmagul's turku this one is also great scene full of joy. Enjoy!
PS: Don't worry about vowel harmony as there isn't on this one.
For instance it says elun instead of elin;
sevdami instead of sevdamı etc.

-Mustafa Abi
-Ulan deli, ulan deli..

Haydi millet!
Bir iki, üç (1,2,3) Haydeee..

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fatmagulun Sucu Ne Episode 32, Kerim and Fatmagul's Song

Amazing last scene of Fatmagulun sucu ne episode 32. For Turkish Learners it would be a difficult one to understand as the pronunciation is a bit different with Aegean accent. But nice clip to show Turkish way of entertainment, sitting by the table with your friends and singing local songs among the group. Below including the Fatmagul's Last Scene Turkish song lyrics. This is an Aegean folkloric song (Ege Türküsü).

As one difference in the song "my women" ="kadınım" is said here as "gadınım"
The structure; Öleyim, Gideyim, olayım is I shall die, I shall go, I shall be.
The other one dursam, yuğsam; I wish I stop etc.
mersin here is no the city but the herb that grows in Aegean.
bi danem is "bir tanem" means my only one

Evlerinin Önü Mersin, Turkish Lyrics

Evlerinin önü mersin
Ah sular içmem gadınım tersin tersin
Mevlâ'm seni bana versin

Al hançerini kadınım vur ben öleyim
Ah kapınızda bi danem, kul ben olayım

Evlerinin önü susam
Ah su bulsam da gadınım çevremi yuğsam
Açsam yüzünü baksam dursam

Al hançerini kadınım vur ben öleyim
Ah kapınızda bi danem, kul ben olayım

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Have fun while you are learning Turkish

To Learn Turkish

Learning a language is not necessarily a fun process, find some tips and ways to turn your learning experience into fun using series, songs etc and to learn fast.
Before reading this I assume you already learned the parts on the left picture, basic, hi, how are you, thank you and personal pronouns; Ben, sen O etc.

Learn Turkish Next Step 

Turkish Tenses

learn turkish, turkish present tenseLearn at least 2 Turkish tenses, most common ones present continuous tense; gidiyorum, geliyorum and past tense, geldim, gittim.
First one is not too bad just attach -iyor suffix to the root of the verb; gid+iyor+um, gel+iyor+um.
Past tense has a bit more to remember suffix is dim/din/di for I, you and s/he it.; gel+dim; git+tim.

If you are interested in more details above 2 rules applies; consonant mutation (gittim, d becomes t) and vowel harmony.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs-1; Atiye Bu mudur?

Atiye is the recent rising star, here is her new hit song, this is a cover music from Hossam Habib, Shoft B'einaya. They are both nice, Atiye's version is more upbeat. Good coincidence Hossam's video has been filmed in Istanbul by a Turkish director. Below are the Turkish lyrics for you to practise Turkish. As usual please if you are complete beginner check the related sections first. Following Turkish lyrics and listen to the song would definitely help to improve your learning Turkish.

Binbir gece masalı gibisin
Oyunun içinde oyunların var
Gel memleket meselesi değil aşk
Gel memleket meselesi değil aşk
İnsan unutur her şeyi her an
Kor hançeri yüreğini dağlar
Ömrün sonu kelebek gibidir
Göz açıncaya bitecek bir gün
Aşk kalbinin değerini anlar

Bu mudur, budur
Yürek her şeyi sana buyurur
Yut gel yeminlerini
Banane aşk mesele
Bu mudur dokunmadan
Aşk lütfen doyurur
Kalp kalbe karşı değil
Kimene aşk mesele

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What is Fatmaguls Guilt Episode 30, Last Scene

Mukaddes: Meryem hanım, Meryem hanım.
Meryem:Ne oldu?
Avukat: İyi başladık.
Avukat: Kerim Mahkemeyi tutuksuz bekleyecek.
Rahmi:Bitti mi, bittim mi?
Fatmagül:Seni serbest mi bıraktılar?
Tutuklandılar mı?
Kerim:Eee, bana bir şey söylemeyecek misin?
Fatmagül: Geçmiş olsun.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Fatmagul's Fault Episode 30-trailer, fragman

Meltem: Her şeye rağmen, herkese rağmen, şikayet edebildiklerine göre doğru değil mi!
Against all odds, against everyone, considering they can report, it's true isn't it!
Reşat: Lütfen kendine gel.
Please pull yourself together.
Fatmagül: Abla ben korkuyorum.
Sister, I'm scared.
Meryem: Sen o yüzüğü vermeyecektin.
You shouldn't have given that ring.
Eğer o geceye ait bir tane delilimiz olsaydı, biz bu durumda olmazdık.
If we had one proof for that night we wouldn't be in this situation.

Fatmagülün suçu ne yeni bölümü ile perşembe akşamı Kanal-D'de.
Fatmagülün suçu ne new episode in on Kanal-D on thursday.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever-Love Likes Coincidences

This is a recent love film of Omer Faruk Sorak, a successful Turkish director.The film is really good yet sad.
Here is the trailer for you to practise Turkish with English subtitles and scenery from Istanbul Turkey.
If you are complete beginner please check Turkish for beginners section first.

-1 Eylül 1977 Ankara doğumlu+y+um.
-1 Eylül 1977'de Ankara'da doğ+dum. (past tense; first person past)

-Dede, aşk nasıl oluyor?
-Kalb+in çok hızlı çarpar, hep onu görmek onun+la beraber olmak istersin, gerisi umrunda değil.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hurrem Sultan, Roxelana, Stongest Women of the Empire

For the past few months the whole country is shaken by a historical TV series called Muhtesem Yuzyil, Magnificent Century, which is about the relationship of Sultan Solomon the Magnificent with his wife Hurrem Sultan as well as the life in the Ottoman Palace. The show caused many debates in public, in fact the media, such as the historical mistakes in the show, harem, the way the harem is exhibited and many others. No doubt all these help the popularity of the show because it has the highest ratings ever week. Another fact that makes the show popular is the latest visual effects used in the war, city and palace scenes, which is a first in the Turkish movie industry.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What is Fatmaguls Guilt Episode 22-Wedding Ring

If you are new to the program, watch the first episode.
If you are at beginner level, have a look at Turkish for beginners first.

: Bu ne?
What it this?
Kerim: Neye benziyor?
What does it look like?
Rahmi: Yüzük mü taktın?
Are you wearing ring? (literally translation:did you put on ring)
Mukaddes: Allah iyiliğini versin
God bless you!
Ver bakiyim, yemeyeceğim aa.
Give, let me have a look, I won’t eat!
Kerim: Ya bırak neyine bakacaksın, yüzük işte!
Leave it, what you will look, it’s a ring!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Turkish Lessons-2

Never Say "tesekkurler" in Turkey unless you want to starve!

Underlying meanings of words

this lens's photo
Dictionaries are good but every time you look up for a word, do they give what we need, not necessarily. It's not possible to find the cultural aspect or underlying meaning of the words and sentences this way. Here I disclose one, very important one. That would help you not to end up with no food when you are speaking in Turkish. 

Direct Translation is not always a great idea

What not to say!

One mistake we all do directly translating a sentence or a word. Being a bit more specific here, someone or a waiter asks you whether you want coffee,tea or food.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What is Fatmaguls Fault Episode 21-Fatmagül&Mustafa Scene

If you are at beginner level, have a look at Turkish for beginners first.
You can listen to the Turkish TV series and follow the script to practise your pronunciation.
Don't try to understand every sentence. To follow easily, you can open 2 windows one for video second for script.

Fatmagül: Mustafa
Mustafa: Korkma sana zarar vermeye gelmedim.
Fatmagül:  Niye geldin?
-Aaa, Mustafa eniştem gelmiş.
Mukaddes: Ne!
Rahmi: Çekil önümden.
Mukaddes: Rahmi, Rahmi dur dikkat et.
Rahmi: Dokunma ona, bırak.
Fatmagül: Abi, dur.

Turkish Lessons -1

Basic Turkish Phrases-Greetings times of the day


First thing you need to know at the beginning of your Turkish Learning process is greetings.
Below you will see the translations, one important difference that we split afternoon into two and use times in plural form;  like saying good evenings=iyi akşam+lar etc.

Times of the day;
Morning                Sabah
Noon                    Öğlen
Early afternoon     Öğleden sonra
Late afternoon      Akşam üstü
Evening                Akşam
Night                    Gece

Greetings accordingly
Good morning      Günaydın
Good afternoon    Merhaba (Hello) or İyi günler (Good day)
Good evening       İyi akşamlar
Good night           İyi geceler
Sweet Dreams      Tatlı rüyalar

sevgiler (warm regards)

Turkish Tutor Selin

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fatmagülün suçu ne Episode 20-Selim being shot

If you are new to the program, watch the first episode.
If you are at beginner level, have a look at introduction to Turkish first.

Münir: Geldi.
He arrived.
Reşat:Dediğim gibi Erdoğan, ben söylemeden lafa girme.
As I said Erdoğan, don't say anything before I let you. 
Münir: Ama direk hedef gösterme Kerimi tamam mı, sonra bir halt işler,
But don't point him, Kerim as target, ok, after he would do commit smt.
Reşat Yaşaran azmettirdi der, başımız belaya girer.
he would say Reşat yaşaran assigned me, we would get into trouble.  
Reşat: Ne münasebet canım.
Ofcourse not!