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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs; TNK-Again we wait for summer

Another Turkish song for you to practise Turkish, which is a soundtrack of a recent film. He sings clearly so that you can follow the lyrics.

Ah ne çok ÖzLedim seni 
How much I missed you.
Bir biLsen ah bir görsen 
Wish you know, wish you see
SonbaharLarım geLir 
My autums' would come
O Yaprak hiç düşmez 
That leaf doesn't drop
Hepsi bitti hepsi bitti 
All finished, all finished
Hepsi kayboLan günLerdi 
They were all lost days
Bir yaLnız sen bir yaLnız ben 
one lonely you, one lonely I
Bizi ne nasıL tüketti ki 
How this consumed us

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fatmagülün suçu ne Episode-18/ Part-2 Kerim&Fatmagül

Turkish Learning Highlights are at the bottom of the script.
Grammer level: Examples to past tense 1-2, present tense, future tense
If you are new to the program, watch the first episode.

Fatmagül: Neler anlattı o kadın sana?
What did that women tell you?
Kerim: Konuştuk işte, boş ver, ne yapacaksın? (check learning highlights below)
We talked, never mind, what you will do?
Fatmagül: Öğrenmek istiyorum.
I want to learn.
Rahmi: Konuşuyorlar.
They are talking.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fatmagülün suçu ne Episode-15/ Part-1

If you are at beginner level, have a look at introduction to Turkish first.

Mukaddes: Bu boşanma gerçekleşmeyecek!
This divorce wont take place.
O kadar.
That’s it
Kerim: Yırttın da ne oldu şimdi ha!
You tear it what happaned now
Ben gidip yenisini çıkartamaz mıyım?
Can’t I go and get a new one?
Bak o isterse gideriz beraber boşanırız, engel olamazsın.
Look, if she wants we go together divorce, you can’t stop
Mukaddes: Aptal, aptal konuşma.
Fatmagül boşanmak isteseydi acaba yatağının altında bunu hazine gibi saklar mıydı?
İste+se if she was wishing/willing,
Acaba= I wonder
Kerim: Al yerine koy.
Take, put to it’s place.
Mukaddes: Ne o elin titriyor?
What it is; your hand is shaking
Kerim: Al hemen yerine koy şunu.
Take, straight away put that to it’s place.
Mukaddes: Sakladı diye hoşuna gitti dimi.
Diye:so that, in case
Hoşuna gitmek:to be pleased
Kerim: Fatmagül bunu bana gösterdiğini bilmesin, yerine koy şunu.
Gösterdiğim—my showing
Göster+diğin  --your showing
Mukaddes: Siz ne numara yapıyorsunuz ya.
Hem cilveleşin, hem mektuplaşın ondan sonra boşanacağız diye tehdit edin.
Ne zorunuz, anlamadım ben bu işi-inverted sentences
Zorun ne=what’s the matter with you

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs;Ayrılmam -Gülben Ergen

Learning Points are at the bottom

If you are at beginner level, have a look at introduction to Turkish first.

Yalnızlık acıdır 
İnsanı acıtır 
Aşk denen o var ya 
O başa beladır 
Ben senle tamamım ah tamam 
Bir daha yarım kalamam 
Tam seni bulmuşken tanrım 
Ben canım, ben canımdan olamam 

Zor aman aman 
Yılan sensiz zaman 
Sensiz azım çoğalamam 

Ayrılmam ben ayrılmam senden 
İpe götürseler 
Beni öldürseler

English Translation:
Loneliness is bitter
hurts you
thats called love is pain in the head/neck
I'm complete with you
cannot be a half again
When I've just found you my God 
I cant leave my beloved/life
Its hard
time is a snake without you
I'm less without you cant be more
I can't leave, I cant leave you
Even they sent me to scaffold
or they kill me.

Vocab List:

Grammer Points:
1.)Present Tense used:
Ayrılmak=to separate
Ayrıl+ır+ım=I separate
Ayrıl+ma+m=I don't separate
ma/me=negative suffix for verbs

2.)dir=formal is

Monday, January 10, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs; Evlenmek Gerek / Need to get married

Nil is one of the most colourful singer in Turkey. Here is one her fun songs about marriage and other expectations of parents. Learning points are at the bottom of the page.

Yaşım geldi annem dedi onun gibi evlenmek gerek.
My age has come my mother told me I need to be married like her.
Aman gun almasın otuzundan bir tane bulunsun aynı babasından
Before your 30th birthday you keep one like your father
Anne benim kosmam gerek
Mother I need to run
Istemiyorum pilav yapmak
I don’t want to make rice
Sana bir de torun gerek
You also need a grandchild
Istemiyorum cocuk bakmak
I don’t want to look after a child
Anne ben aşka inanmam
Mother I don’t believe in love
Önce asik olmam gerek
First I need to be in love
Gözyaslarıyla sulanmam
It means to be watered with tear drops (it's the first part of below sentence)
Evlilik benim solmam demek
Marriage means I wither (like a plant)
Simdi benle kimler evlenmek ister
Now who wants to marry me

Fatmagülün suçu ne Episode-1/ Part-1

One of the most popular TV series in Turkey lately; Fatmagül'ün suçu ne. Below you can follow the script and watch the video. If you can't watch the video click here.

Rahmi: Fatmagül
Fatmagül: Geldim. 
I'm coming (It's used in past tense in Turkish as I came)
Rahmi: Sağol, sağol. 
Thanks, thanks (in Turkish you will see repetitions commonly.)
Fatmagül: Abi, ben çıkacağım (çıkıcam) birazdan. 
Brother I will go out in a bit.
Rahmi:çık, çık tamam çık sen.
Go, go, ok you go.
Mukaddes: Bakma, bakma o saate. Tekne sen olmadan da yanaşır sahile, merak etme.
Don't look, don't look at your watch. Boat would approach to shore without you as well, don't worry.

Kime diyorum…. Fatmagül..
Who am I talking to..
Fatmagül: Ne olur yenge, beni görmezse darılır.
Please aunt, he would be sad if he doesn't see me.
Mukaddes: Aptal, atma kendini o kadar ortalara. İki günde hevesi geçecek adamın.
Silly, don't throw yourself that much, in two days he will loose his interest.

Mukaddes: Gülme sen de aptal, aptal, dön önüne.
Don't smile like an idiot, look in front of you.
Ebe Nine, gel bir çayımızı iç
Ebe Nine come and drink our tea.
Ebe Nine: Yanığa gidiyorum, dönüşte.
I'm going for a burn case, on my way back.

-Hadi gözün aydın Mustafa, hasret bitiyor.
Come on, may your eyes shine, longing is finishing.
-Bizi bir gün bile karşılayan olmadı.
We didn't have anyone meeting us even one day.
-Reis, yenge, siz nişanlıyken gelir miydi karşılamaya?
Reiss, was missus coming to meet and greet you when you were engaged.
-Ne gezer, evin kapısını açsın razıyım. O kaidesini kaldıracak da sahile koşacak.
Not likely, it's enough for her to open the door. Like she will make a move and run to the shore. 

Now you can either move to Turkish listening& pronunciation exercise below or continue with the other episode.