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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Turkish Olympiad Commericals 2011-Ukranian Boy

Every year Turkish Olympiads take place in Turkey, where people all around the world come to Turkey and compete to be the best among Turkish speakers with their performances. More about Turkish Olympiads visit the web site.
I'm sharing the commercials of this year, they are really good. I have seen 3 so far, this one is in Ukraine, Ukrainian boy is selling fish in fish market and speaking very cute and fluent Turkish.
Below is the lines he says, these are typical bazaar sales person sentences would be useful.

-Gel, vatandaş, gel, abla sen de gel.
-Derya kuzuları bunlar
-Günlük taze balık. Balkonda ye, komşunla ye. Gel vatandaş gel.

Some Strange Facts About Turkish Language, Useful Tips For Turkish Learners

Like every language Turkish has some tricky, funny and confusing parts for learners, I say for learners as they are very normal for us as natives. As a tutor it's a nice experience for me as well to discover these and I believe would be very useful for Turkish learners.

1.) Usage of "geliyorum" : it means="I'm coming". But you will experience it is used when we are actually "going"! For instance you are sitting in living room with your friend and he stands up to go to kitchen to have a glass of water. When he stands up he would say "geliyorum-I'm coming" even tough going, here the underlining meaning when we use "coming" in the place of "going" is "going for a very short time", it's like I'm almost back ,or popping to kitchen.

2.)Tense difference comparing to English
The following meanings are made in English in past tense whereas in Turkish we use them in present;
(present tense)I understand=Anladım (past tense)
(present tense) Coming=Geldim (past tense)

3.) Similar verbs; Very easy to get confused cause they only have one letter difference;
4.Düş=fall, dream

Friday, June 17, 2011

Learn Turkish-Turkish Phrases

·         Geçmiş olsun! “Get well soon!”
·         Hayırlı Olsun' wishing someone success in whatever they are about to endeavour.
·         Hayırlı Yolculuklar wishing a nice trip.
·         Hayırlı İşler when you enter or leave a place of you are wishing good business or prosperity
·         Kolay Gelsin when someone is about to start a new job/doing a job,/ or any type of work means "Come Easy"(may it be easy for you)
·         Güle Güle Kullan You would say this when someone has bought something new, literally means "Wear It With a Smile" -" Have Enjoyment With It" ..or "I Hope It Brings You Joy"
·         Şerefe! = Cheers!

Fatmagulun sucu ne Episode 38 Fatmagul's Birthday

Happy Birthday to you! song is used as "İyiki doğ"
Happy Birthday wishes are as follows; "Doğum günün kutlu olsun" or "nice yıllara"

Song: İyiki doğdun Fatmagul, İyiki doğdun Fatmagul, iyiki doğdun, iyiki doğdun, iyiki doğdun Fatmagul..
Murat: Doğum günün kutlu olsun halacım.
Fatmagul:Teşekkürler bir tanem.
Rahmi: Mutlu yıllar kardeşim.Hep gülsün yüzün.
FatmagulTeşekkür ederim abicim.
Meryem: Sağlıkla iyi yaşa inşallah.
Lawyer-1: Fatmagulcum her şey gönlünce olsun yavrum.
Lawyer-2:Doğum günün kutlu olsun.
Fatmagul: Teşekkür ederim.
Kerim: İyiki doğmuşsun.
Fatmagul: Teşekkür ederim.
-Kerim abi, herkes hediyesini verdi, senin hediyeni göremedik.
FatmagulO dün erdi hediyesini.
Meryem: Hadi bakalım, kes Fatmagul pastanı.

Fatmagulun sucu ne Episode 38 Trailer

Fatmagul: Sen bütün hayatımı koydun önüme.Unutmak istediğim her şeyi.
Kerim: Fatmagul...
Yeniden bir başlangıç yapalım, her şeyi geride bırakalım.
Fatmagul: Keşke her şey geride kalabilse.
Sen istersen kalır Fatmagul. Sen yardım edersen, sen istersen yaramızı kanırtan o anıyı birlikte unutacağız.
Fatmagul: İstiyorum, istiyorum.
Kerim: Ben seni çok seviyorumç

Fatmagulun sucu ne Episode 37, Kerim and Fatmagul

Fatmagul confess that she trust Kerim..

Fatmagul: Sana iyileşmek istediğimi söylerken demiştim, ben de yeniden birine güvenmek istiyorum diye.
Şimdi daha güvende hissediyorum kendimi.
Kerim: Teşekkür ederim.

Learn Turkish-Homonyms-Words with more than one meaning

While learning Turkish language these homonyms might confuse you at first but then you will see the benefit. I call them "buy one get 2 free". Below I'm including a list of words that which has more than one meanings. Feel free to contribute to the list.

Turkish word    English meanings-1 /  meaning -2  / meaning -3
Yüz=                 100                       / swim            / face
At=                   Throw                  / horse  
Yaz=                 summer               / write
Gül=                  rose                    / smile/laugh      /female name
İç=                    drink                   / inside
Ben=                 I                         / beauty spot