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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs-3; Bir günah Gibi (Like a Sin) from Askı Memnu

Ajda Pekkan-Toygar Işıklı Duet from Askı Memnu.

Askı Memnu has finished in Turkey but interest to the characters, music and scenes still continue.
This song is very good love Song by Ajda Pekkan. For the series, Askı memnu a duet has been made with Toygar Işıklı who does most of the soundracks for series in Turkey including Fatmagulun sucu ne, Ezel this year. Below I'm including the lyrics of "Bir günah gibi" song with scenes from askı memnu.
This video is the full song

Bir sayfa kopuyor zamandan
Ayrılırken sen yanımdan
Bu aşkın daha en başından
Korkuyordum ben sonundan

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Learn Turkish with Turkish Songs-2; Karadeniz Türküsü (Blacksea Folkloric Song)

After your request for more "türkü":) I'm adding another one from a film; Av Mevsimi. Personally I like to listen to turkus with only one instrument or just natural voice. Therefore I'm sharing this one there is no instrument then audience using cutlery to make rhythm! Name of the turku is "Haydee" Come on=Haydi. This is a Black sea region turku (Karadeniz türküsü) written by Kazım Koyuncu, therefore again there are different accents and spellings, don't focus on these too much. Like Fatmagul's turku this one is also great scene full of joy. Enjoy!
PS: Don't worry about vowel harmony as there isn't on this one.
For instance it says elun instead of elin;
sevdami instead of sevdamı etc.

-Mustafa Abi
-Ulan deli, ulan deli..

Haydi millet!
Bir iki, üç (1,2,3) Haydeee..